If you wish to report any concern related to misconduct or wrongdoings, please fill in the form below.

We assure that your identity will be protected.

Nature of alleged misconduct (Please tick the appropriate box)

Bribery, receiving and/or giving kickbacks
Fraud or dishonesty
Abuse of position
Abuse of the Group’s property and information
Forgery or alteration of any documents belonging to the Group, its customers, another financial institution(s), or agents of the Group
Embezzlement or theft
Conflict of interest
Poor or unethical sales practices, including mis-selling and insider trading
Any other actual or suspected breach of any other laws
Breach of the Bank’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and any other policies
Breach of BNM/ Securities Commission Malaysia / Bursa Malaysia’s policy / regulatory documents
Abetment to commit any of the above wrongdoing
Detrimental action taken against WB or persons closely associated with WB
Improper behaviour / other matters that may breach the Group’s and/ or subsidiary’s Code of Ethics and Conduct and/ or actions that may damage or negatively impact the Group’s financial wellbeing and branding

Please attach any other information/evidence (eg. document,photograph,etc) together with the Whistleblower Disclosure Form


By clicking ‘Submit’, I hereby declare that all the information furnished herein is made voluntarily and are true to the best of my knowledge and free from any malicious intent and I acknowledge that Bank Islam Group reserves the rights to use the information and material provided strictly for the purpose of acting on this disclosure.